We are in a very interesting stage with the triplets. They co-slept (all three) until they were almost seven months old. Then, we decided they were getting "too big" to be sleeping together and they each needed more room, so we separated them. This is the moment that sealed the deal for them...and it still took me another month to actually do it.
Now, they have decided, at two, that they want to be together again. And so, after I lay them down separately in their own (or each other's) cribs, there is a lot of commotion and when they get up at least two, if not all three, are in the same crib. Last night, Ethan and Nathanial were so crammed in there, I moved one to the other end of the crib. I did not have the heart to remove one and put him in a different crib, though. They also love playing "musical beds." No longer is the crib they have slept in for the last two years good enough - they want to sleep in each others. And they trade all the time. It has gotten to the point that I actually ask two year olds to tell me what bed they want to be in. Obviously, though, it does not matter. We did move all side rails to the lowest level just to be sure they are not climbing too far and are in the process of buying big boy beds, but that is probably a few months away.
They tend to get into a lot of trouble when they are in their rooms these days, also. I, frankly, need the break, so they are not about to get out of their naptime yet. I just deal with the mess. To prove a point, the other day, I took before and after (nap) pictures.
Here is the view you get when you walk into the room...Nathanial's crib is to the left and Ethan's is to the right with the dresser in front of them (it's roughly four feet from Nathanial's crib).
This would be Noah's crib - across from Ethan's.
Here is another clean view of the room...
This is what I walked into two and a half hours later (two of which were spent quietly - either sleeping or resting)...
I do not seem to be able to recall a crib being in the middle of the room when I laid them down...
Oh...the entire sock drawer must be emptied??
Hello, Mother. Yes, we were being perfectly well behaved boys. What's that?? Ethan is in my crib with me?? And we seemed to move it?? And Noah crossed the room to Ethan's crib??? We have no idea how that could have possibly happened!!
Ummm...guys, quick, don't look at her. I think she might be on to us....
Any other MOM's have any ideas on how to keep them in their own beds (minus the crib tents - that's out)??? Just let them be?? I have no idea what to do anymore. I just wish they weren't so cute when they get into so much trouble!!
Where did the crib go?? (Oh, and the holes in the wall??? That's Nathanial's daily attempt to escape Alcatraz.)
Grandpa Rick here. Hey guys keep up the good work mommy needs the extra time to help clean, I am sure she has so much extra time on her hands. Love ya all kisses and hugs
my suggestion? Let them have their fun- I am glad they love each other enough to share beds and do those brotherly things. They are SO cute!
grandma B.
Trista, I just laughed until I almost couldn't breathe. I'm just so glad that my house is not the only one that looks like that. I'm just not as brave as you are to actually post it.
Jake's only about 3 months older than the triplets and nap time is rare these days. I'm still insisting on quiet time for all the boys, but the mess is frightening.
Guess all I can say is that either they'll grow out of it, or they'll eventually learn to clean it up. At least they're creative and cooperative.
So far Jayden stays in her bed and I'm so glad. We put Trevor's dresser in the closet with a lock on the door so he doesn't pull everything out of the drawers. Good luck!
so as far as keeping them in, We dropped Noah's crib mattress to the floor and left the rest of the crib around it...it kept him in for a while longer (3mo?)
I happened across your blog--hilarious! I am the mother of identical twin 2 1/2 year old boys & a 4 year old daughter. You get extra stars for having three tots at once--amazing! Not to mention your other beautiful children. But I can completely identify with the concept of "deal with the mess later--enjoy the peace for the moment." It never ceases to amaze me the trouble my two boys can get into--or how freakin' cute they are as they do it! May the Lord bless you and your family, and give you an extra piece of SANITY!!
My son, Thomas, sleeps with his arms up just like your three... too cute!!
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