Happy First Birthday, Hannah! We love you sooo much and you are such a blessing to us! What an amazing year this has been. You are so very special to each of us and we cannot imagine our lives without you in it!!
Aidan meets Hannah for the first time - 9/16/09
Austin gets his turn to hold Hannah
Two very happy big brothers with thier baby sister
The "little boys" adore Hannah and are in love right from the start
Hannah Grace is ready to go home
Aidan and Noah are thrilled to greet their baby sister at home
Our SIX!!
Hannah Grace - Dedication at Two Months Old
Hannah Grace - 2 months
Hannah Grace - 3 months and quite the smiler!

One Month Old

Very curious about everything!
Hannah Grace - 6 months
Loves her baby

7 months
8 months
9 months
Silly Girl
10 months
Growing up so fast!
11 months
You ADORE your Grandpa Kenny!!
(he's about the only person that actually gets to hold you!)
One Year Old!!!!
I am in awe that you are already a year old and in awe of the gifts that God bestows upon us in packages dressed up as "children." We are so very, very blessed and so very, very thankful to God for giving us you!! We love you, Hannah G!!!!

1 comment:
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!! You are such a cutie. We Love you, Grandpa Rick & Grandma Pam
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