We had the triplets third birthday party at {surprise, surprise!} Happy Joe's in Dubuque. It is where we have had all of their parties so far and it has been so much fun! The boys were really into it this year and were so much fun. Because there are three of them, they were confused about the whole "who's birthday is it" and believed it was
everyone's birthday. We introduced the word "triplets" to them, but they are still really too little to understand it.
They each always get their own cake because Grandpa Kenny is awesome and feels that since it is each thier birthday, they each deserve one. We also always sing "Happy Birthday" to each of them individually. Steve's cousins make the cakes and they
seriously are the best cakes I have
ever tasted!!

Nathanial with his cake

Ethan with his cake

Noah is far too busy checking out the cake and candle to worry about a silly picture

There he is!

Wow....all these crazy people taking pictures of us!

Hannah wants in on the action - already "testing" the cake prior to it even being cut!

Who is this crazy lady with the horn???
why does she know our names???

Dudes....I think she's seriously talking about

Oh, wow!! All this sugar is simply heaven!!!!

Present time!
Ethan still is happy with the 25 cent toy from the machine.

Noah loves his new bookbag and is ready for preschool!

Ethan loves the motorcycle!

Thano loves his shirt from his Godmother!

Austin let me take one picture!

The sugar high is gone and Hannah is enjoying snuggling with Grandma.

I am so
tired, Mommy!

All waiting for Daddy at Target and ready to head home!

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