I went in to my ob on Wednesday and he wanted me to go back on Friday to make sure that nothing would skyrocket before scheduled delivery day of Tuesday. So, I went in on Friday afternoon expecting that everything would be fine, it was only two days later, and I would just go home. I didn’t even have my bag packed yet!I got to his office and I had gained four pounds in two days, the protein went from a +2 to a +3, and my blood pressure was 158/108 the first time and worse the second. He said that from the last few 24 hour collections, he knew the protein was a lot higher than what was showing up in his office, so he had me go over to the hospital. He was already there, his nurse just called him to let him know where everything stood. He said at that point, I would be in the hospital until Tuesday, if I lasted that long and he maybe would plan on delivery that day. He did two more protein checks in the hospital within about 45 minutes and then came in to see me. He said that my body had definitely become toxic and we needed to deliver that evening. He got staff rounded up and said there were two pediatricians on call and it was up to them who would take on our babies and where we would end up delivering. At that point, both Steve and I became really upset because we really wanted to deliver at our hospital and we all knew it was safe to do so at 35 weeks. He came in and did an ultrasound and the boys still looked pretty good, except who turned out to be Nathanial was not making any breathing movements anymore. He was still active, though and was safe for the time being. The other two babies were fine. Then he left for a while and came back and said he was transferring us to Iowa City. He had talked to the pediatricians on call…one had three babies already in the NICU and didn’t want to take on any more, the other had one baby in the NICU and refused to take on three more. Since we had no idea what kind of care they would need, it became a necessity to be transferred. I know my doctor could see that I was near tears and he wasn’t a whole lot happier. He told us the silver lining was that noone would be transferred and everyone would be left together. He also said if it made me feel any better he felt worse than we did. When I asked him point-blank what kind of lung problems they would experience, he said he had no idea, but it was MUCH safer for them to be out than in. I begged him to let us wait until Tuesday to see if anything would change and they would improve, but he just said that in his opinion, they needed to be delivered immediately. He said Iowa City may differ and do two steroid shots and then deliver on Sunday, but he felt that was riskier than their lung development.
I left that hospital by ambulance and Steve followed us to Iowa City at about 6:15. We arrived in their labor and delivery at 7:05. They hooked us up to monitors, but couldn’t tell if they had all three babies or only one or two (which is why my OB didn’t do monitors and did an u/s instead), so we really had no idea how all the babies were. A ton of different 12 year olds, oh, excuse me, medical interns, residents, and students, came in to tell us different things and an anesthesiologist came in. They told us that they would be doing the c-section around 9:00 and would do a spinal. The anesthesiologist came back in 20 minutes later and said since it was my 3rd sections and there were triplets, they needed to do an epidural because they weren’t sure how much damage there was and how long it would take and he needed access to put in more meds. Then he came back AGAIN and said they were going to do both. At around 10:00 they came in to tell us that we had been bumped because there was a mother whose baby was in distress. Then the teeny bopper came back in, oops, medical resident, and asked me if in the other two pregnancies I had ever needed magnesium sulfate. At that point, I panicked. I said nope, my pressure always went way down within a day or so of delivery. She said she was doing the mag. Finally her chief came in and discussed with me feelings on mag. I said I would rather wait and see than just profalactically do it and she agreed with me. So I was then scheduled for 11:00. At 11:15, they came in again to tell us we had been bumped, again, and we would go at 12:00. Around 10:30, I started to panic and just completely broke down and told Steve there was no way I could do this and I just wanted to go home. I begged him from 10:30 until 12:55 to just take me home and let me just forget about doing this. We were bumped again at 12:00, and then finally around 1:15, they came to take me back. They put in ½ a spinal dosage, and then started the epidural. Apparently my epidural space is really small, though, so the anesthesiologist had a really hard time finding it. Finally something clicked and he got it in. I haven’t seen anything on my back, but Steve said it is black and blue and there are about five different holes that he can see where he attempted to put in the spinal/epidural and couldn’t.
I don’t know when they made the first incision. When I first went into the room, it was just me and two nurses and the anesthesiologist, his chief, and two equipment people. When Steve came in, he looked at me and said there were a ton of people in the room. We knew there were a neonatologist, respiratory therapist, and four NICU nurses per baby, plus all the other doctors and students and nurses and everyone. It was amazing, but I still don’t remember there being that many. There were four doctors/residents just on my stomach alone, two at the top and two at the bottom that I could tell. Steve and I believe the chief ob was the one to actually pull out each baby, but the residents did the incision and all the rest.At 1:54 a.m. Nathanial Steven made his screaming arrival at 4 lbs, 9 oz., and boy was it wonderful to hear him scream!! At 1:55 a.m., Ethan Jacob made *his* screaming arrival at 5 lbs, 3 oz., again tears of joy and relief. At 1:56 a.m., all odds were beat and Noah Robert made *his* screaming arrival at 5 lbs, 12 oz. Apgar scores were 7/9 for Noah, 8/9 for Nathanial, and 9/9 for Ethan. Ethan was taken to a transitional NICU for two hours to observe breathing patterns and then put in the normal baby nursery. Nathanial was sent to Level 3 NICU until Saturday evening due to grunting, but he never had any supplemental oxygen and did just great. Noah was in Level 3 NICU until Sunday night. He had grunting that was severe enough to need a CPAP (a little tube inserted in his nose to provide positive pressure into his airway to help him learn to breath), but that was removed after only six hours and then he was on a nasal canula (normal little nose tube thingy) all of Saturday and they removed all supplemental oxygen on him early Sunday morning. He did well enough Sunday to come to join the other two boys and mommy Sunday around 5:00 p.m.
I left that hospital by ambulance and Steve followed us to Iowa City at about 6:15. We arrived in their labor and delivery at 7:05. They hooked us up to monitors, but couldn’t tell if they had all three babies or only one or two (which is why my OB didn’t do monitors and did an u/s instead), so we really had no idea how all the babies were. A ton of different 12 year olds, oh, excuse me, medical interns, residents, and students, came in to tell us different things and an anesthesiologist came in. They told us that they would be doing the c-section around 9:00 and would do a spinal. The anesthesiologist came back in 20 minutes later and said since it was my 3rd sections and there were triplets, they needed to do an epidural because they weren’t sure how much damage there was and how long it would take and he needed access to put in more meds. Then he came back AGAIN and said they were going to do both. At around 10:00 they came in to tell us that we had been bumped because there was a mother whose baby was in distress. Then the teeny bopper came back in, oops, medical resident, and asked me if in the other two pregnancies I had ever needed magnesium sulfate. At that point, I panicked. I said nope, my pressure always went way down within a day or so of delivery. She said she was doing the mag. Finally her chief came in and discussed with me feelings on mag. I said I would rather wait and see than just profalactically do it and she agreed with me. So I was then scheduled for 11:00. At 11:15, they came in again to tell us we had been bumped, again, and we would go at 12:00. Around 10:30, I started to panic and just completely broke down and told Steve there was no way I could do this and I just wanted to go home. I begged him from 10:30 until 12:55 to just take me home and let me just forget about doing this. We were bumped again at 12:00, and then finally around 1:15, they came to take me back. They put in ½ a spinal dosage, and then started the epidural. Apparently my epidural space is really small, though, so the anesthesiologist had a really hard time finding it. Finally something clicked and he got it in. I haven’t seen anything on my back, but Steve said it is black and blue and there are about five different holes that he can see where he attempted to put in the spinal/epidural and couldn’t.
I don’t know when they made the first incision. When I first went into the room, it was just me and two nurses and the anesthesiologist, his chief, and two equipment people. When Steve came in, he looked at me and said there were a ton of people in the room. We knew there were a neonatologist, respiratory therapist, and four NICU nurses per baby, plus all the other doctors and students and nurses and everyone. It was amazing, but I still don’t remember there being that many. There were four doctors/residents just on my stomach alone, two at the top and two at the bottom that I could tell. Steve and I believe the chief ob was the one to actually pull out each baby, but the residents did the incision and all the rest.At 1:54 a.m. Nathanial Steven made his screaming arrival at 4 lbs, 9 oz., and boy was it wonderful to hear him scream!! At 1:55 a.m., Ethan Jacob made *his* screaming arrival at 5 lbs, 3 oz., again tears of joy and relief. At 1:56 a.m., all odds were beat and Noah Robert made *his* screaming arrival at 5 lbs, 12 oz. Apgar scores were 7/9 for Noah, 8/9 for Nathanial, and 9/9 for Ethan. Ethan was taken to a transitional NICU for two hours to observe breathing patterns and then put in the normal baby nursery. Nathanial was sent to Level 3 NICU until Saturday evening due to grunting, but he never had any supplemental oxygen and did just great. Noah was in Level 3 NICU until Sunday night. He had grunting that was severe enough to need a CPAP (a little tube inserted in his nose to provide positive pressure into his airway to help him learn to breath), but that was removed after only six hours and then he was on a nasal canula (normal little nose tube thingy) all of Saturday and they removed all supplemental oxygen on him early Sunday morning. He did well enough Sunday to come to join the other two boys and mommy Sunday around 5:00 p.m.

Nathanial Steven
February 3, 2007
1:54 am
4 lbs, 9 oz

Ethan Jacob
February 3, 2007
1:55 am
5 lbs, 3 oz

February 3, 2007
1:56 am
5 lbs, 12 oz
The resident in charge decided that she wanted me on the mag immediately after delivery. I was told if I had output of more than 200 for 4 hours straight and my bp decreased, they would remove it. Unfortunately, that never happened and I honestly believed that I would never get off the stuff. Plus because I was a seizure precaution (due to severe Toxemia), I was not allowed anything to eat or drink while I was on the mag. I also had to remain in bed, which meant that I was unable to go see either Noah or Nathanial. Thankfully, Ethan was able to spend much of that time with Steve and I. I never had enough output and my bp stayed way up, so I was on the mag for the full 24 hour course. I did have Steve go take pictures of the boys as soon as possible, but it didn’t really look like them when I actually saw them.

{Austin meets Ethan.}

At 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning, I was able to be moved to the mother and baby ward and also go visit Noah and Nathanial. The nice thing about the NICU at that hospital is each baby has his own room and nurse. So they really knew the babies and were really good about answering all of my questions. And they didn’t have ‘visiting hours’ so it was just fine that I showed up at 2 am to see my babies. They would not let me hold Noah, but I was able to hold Nathanial. That was wonderful.

We had problems with jaundice with all three of them. Nathanial never needed the billi lights, thankfully, but got close. Ethan was the first on the billi lights and he did great, just slept through it. He was on them most of Sunday. Noah was on them Tuesday and he HATED them. He made it known, too. He just sobbed and sobbed and then when I thought he wanted to eat, I took him out, but he didn’t…he just wanted to be held. Poor little guy. I felt so bad. Nathanial then had some trouble keeping his temp up (they all did, but his was the worst), so they had to run a bunch of labs to rule out infection and he was fine.

{Aidan welcomes Nathanial to Mommy's room.}

We have had a wonderful experience with nursing so far! Since Ethan was the only one in the “regular” nursery, he was the one to first latch and we decided to syringe feed him just in case something didn’t work with the other two. Nathanial was the next to try and he did a great job also. When I knew that Noah had been given bottles for 48 hours, I didn’t expect him to latch and really thought that he would be my trouble nurser. Turns out that he has the best latch and suck of all three of them and he is the one who is almost 100% nursed at this point. While in the hospital during the day, I would nurse all three for every feeding, then pumped. Then at night, they would go to the nursery and get ebm. By Sunday night, all three were exclusively on all breastmilk. Since we have gotten home, I didn’t have a chance to pick up my pump, so we did have to do a little supplementing with formula, but I am back up to stock piling and they shouldn’t need any more formula for a while. I have been super amazed by my production! I am getting between 4-6 ounces at each pumping! It is amazing to me how our bodies provide. And God to make our bodies realize how much it needs. The lactation consultant was thrilled that I was able to show all the nurses and residents and doctors that it is possible to nurse three babies and provide enough ebm for all of them.
We had asked before the section if they would know who were the identical two and they said not without a pathology report. So we went ahead and ordered that. As predicted, the two placentas had fused together and that wasn’t going to tell us anything. However, immediately upon sight, we knew who was who. Nathanial and Ethan look EXACTLY alike…we have yet to find any difference. They both have real dark hair and a lot of it. Noah is very blond and has really short hair. With hats on, you can’t tell any three apart, but without it is easy to tell Noah from the other two. So far we have left bands on and are trying to figure out a way to tell them apart. Someone said fingernail polish or initials on the feet, but that isn’t easy when you have sleepers on. So we are keeping Nathanial in yellow and Ethan in green for now.
Things are going well. We arrived home last night and it feels so good to go home. The boys have their first doctor visit in an hour and I get my staples removed on Monday. So we are still busy.
Austin and Aidan have both been very excited with their new brothers. They fought over who got to hold Ethan on Saturday since he was the only one they could hold. It was easier when we had Nathanial and Ethan with us, so they could each get a baby. Now they both have colds, though, and really want to hold a baby and can’t. I am hoping they are better soon. Aidan has been fascinated with watching the babies nurse and me pump. When he first saw Ethan nurse, he said he used to do that. Then he said that when Ethan was finished, he would have his turn. He actually did well when I told him he couldn’t. Since being home, he loves to sit next to me when I pump and “help” me pump. It actually probably does help some, also, but he is just funny. Then he wanted a taste of the milk I pumped, but settled instead for a sniff. So if he is around, he is my sniff tester to make sure all is well. He has been much needier and had some issues with not wanting to be away from me and wanting us home, but all in all, he’s been excellent. Austin has done so much better than we expected! He is really excited about the babies and has been awesome!
Thank you everyone for all of your prayers….it is such a miracle that they needed such little NICU time, so few interventions and are all home after a week!! God is great!!!
{Our Three Burritos - comfy at home.}
Nathanial, Ethan, Noah
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