I feel like Aidan sometimes gets missed on the blog between Hannah's baby-ness, the triplets threesome-ness, and Austin's Asperger-ness so today's post is all about Aidan. I think he is also easy to overlook because I spend the most amount of time with him and he is always with me - my little shadow - so I really don't think about posting about him often. Sure, I hit the big milestones, but not the every day with him. For that, I am truly sorry, and I hope I can make it up to him with today's post.
Aidan is so funny. He loves to tell jokes and laughs and laughs at himself. He is so very loving. He loves to cuddle with me. He's very happy and easy. He is by far our easiest child. He can be challenging at times, like any five year old, but we have been very blessed by how easy going he is and how agreeable he is. And when he does get in trouble, he takes his punishment and gets over it very quickly. Whenever I need help, he is right there, ready and willing. Even when he is not willing, he still does what is asked of him - with no complaints. He is so patient and sensitive with those around him it's awesome to watch.
Aidan is an awesome big brother. He was only three and a half when the triplets were born. That is a big adjustment for anyone, but for a three year old to comprehend, it was almost impossible. Yet, he was so excited and he loved them from the first second. He plays with them and adores them and has done the same with Hannah. Watching him with his siblings is amazing to me. I can only imagine the awesome father he will someday make.
Aidan loves to be outside - it's his favorite place. He is so good at riding a scooter and does awesome on his big boy bike.
Aidan adores Austin - absolutely 100% wants to be Austin. Austin can be mean to him, but Aidan just gets right over it and still adores him. That kind of love is something that I believe can only exist between a big and little brother.
Aidan loves chicken nuggets and chocolate milk (he doesn't get it very often, though). He loves yogurt - he eats so much yogurt it's amazing!
Aidan does not like to wear clothes at all. He much prefers a pair of ratty old pajama bottoms. He has three pairs of them - they were all Austin's - and he wears them constantly. About the only time you see Aidan dressed is when we have to go somewhere. He also hates wearing shoes and much prefers being barefoot.
Aidan is a miracle. We prayed to be blessed by him for years and he has been such a blessing ever since I found out I was pregnant and when we got to see his tiny heart blip, blip, blipping away at seven weeks.
I pray Aidan will be known to you a little better by this post. He is such a complex and wonderful little boy - a blessing to everyone who knows him. We adore him.
Aidan is so funny. He loves to tell jokes and laughs and laughs at himself. He is so very loving. He loves to cuddle with me. He's very happy and easy. He is by far our easiest child. He can be challenging at times, like any five year old, but we have been very blessed by how easy going he is and how agreeable he is. And when he does get in trouble, he takes his punishment and gets over it very quickly. Whenever I need help, he is right there, ready and willing. Even when he is not willing, he still does what is asked of him - with no complaints. He is so patient and sensitive with those around him it's awesome to watch.
Aidan is an awesome big brother. He was only three and a half when the triplets were born. That is a big adjustment for anyone, but for a three year old to comprehend, it was almost impossible. Yet, he was so excited and he loved them from the first second. He plays with them and adores them and has done the same with Hannah. Watching him with his siblings is amazing to me. I can only imagine the awesome father he will someday make.
Aidan loves to be outside - it's his favorite place. He is so good at riding a scooter and does awesome on his big boy bike.
Aidan adores Austin - absolutely 100% wants to be Austin. Austin can be mean to him, but Aidan just gets right over it and still adores him. That kind of love is something that I believe can only exist between a big and little brother.
Aidan loves chicken nuggets and chocolate milk (he doesn't get it very often, though). He loves yogurt - he eats so much yogurt it's amazing!
Aidan does not like to wear clothes at all. He much prefers a pair of ratty old pajama bottoms. He has three pairs of them - they were all Austin's - and he wears them constantly. About the only time you see Aidan dressed is when we have to go somewhere. He also hates wearing shoes and much prefers being barefoot.
Aidan is a miracle. We prayed to be blessed by him for years and he has been such a blessing ever since I found out I was pregnant and when we got to see his tiny heart blip, blip, blipping away at seven weeks.
I pray Aidan will be known to you a little better by this post. He is such a complex and wonderful little boy - a blessing to everyone who knows him. We adore him.
"For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him."
1 Samuel 1:27
1 Samuel 1:27

Hi Aidan, there has always been a special place in my heart for you. You are truly 100% boy. You remind Grandpa Rick a lot of myself when I was your age. I could play for hours upon hours in a sand box with a couple tractors and or trucks ect. I have watched you play this way time in and time out. Yes the way all kids your age should be playing and not on the computer and or tv. I love ya buddy and sure do miss ya. I am sure you and your big brother will again spend some time with us this summer.
This was a very nice tribute to Aidan.
They were all SO good the other night!
Love you all!
Mom/Grandma B.
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