Every year, our town has a Little Miss/Little Mister contest for 5-7 year olds. Austin was never interested in doing it, which was fine, but Aidan was approached by a lady at church (who owns a massage place in town) who wanted to sponser him. We discussed it and he decided he would
love to be in the parade, so he wanted to run. On Friday night, there were four boys and
ten girls who ran. They each are individually interviewed and then they decide a winner. While Aidan didn't win, he had a fantastic time and loved every second of it! And, he gets to ride on the huge boat in the parade Saturday!!
Aidan waiting with the other boys to be interviewed.
{It was 62 degrees outside this evening, which is why everyone else is dressed warmly...Aidan would NOT change what we had bought to wear and decided to freeze instead!}
Aidan during his interview.
He did an awesome job answering questions!

Aidan with Lisa, his sponser.
Nathanial pitching a fit afterwards...right outside our front door.
It was later than bedtime and he was exhausted.

Noah came
back outside to pretend he was throwing a fit.
It kind of ruins the illusion when you giggle through your pretend fit, though!
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