I have been busy enjoying summer and in the last couple of weeks, my blog has been neglected. I have done several back-dated posts of our activities of late. Also please keep Nathanial in prayer. He was infection-free after the last set of new tubes for about two weeks, now is back to growing out several infections in his left ear. He also has another staph infection growing outside his ear again.
And, please also keep Stellan in your prayers. He has been in persistant SVT for days and is not doing well at all. They are currently planning to airlift him to Boston. Please remember his family in your prayers, also. This has been an amazingly difficult battle for them, as you can well imagine, and they need to be able to rest in the Great Physician's arms now.
And now, scroll down and "relive" our summer fun for a bit!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day at Fontana
We have heard a lot about Fontana Park since moving to Sumner, so I decided we needed to get out of the house and that's where we headed. Because it was just me and everyone, I did not get a lot of pictures. We did have an excellent time, though! And we came home the {very} scenic way through all of the Amish and it was awesome to show Aidan all of that. Plus we saw the round barn, which was cool.
Aidan and Hannah
{she always slumps like this in her stroller, and gets honked off when I reposition her...so I don't anymore.}
Aidan enjoying the ducks

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sumner Days - Fireworks!!
Saturday night was just as cold as Friday night, if not colder. So we bundled up and headed downtown for the talent show and fireworks. We weren't sure if we really wanted to have the triplets and Hannah up that late for that, but they have never seen them before and it has been three years since we had gone downtown to see the fireworks. Even though waiting got a bit long and, well, nerve-racking, with six children, four of whom are two and under, it was well worth it and we knew it the second the first firework went off. They were absolutely mesmerized and loved every second of it!

Hannah is still a happy camper
Austin and Hannah
My favorite photo of Austin to date

Aidan, quite bored, waiting...

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sumner Days - Parade
Saturday morning brought many activities for our family. Aidan got to ride on the Little Mister/Little Miss Sumner float, while the rest of us headed over to the church float. The Sumner Days theme this year is "Go Green" so our float followed that theme...complete with recycled newspaper for our fringe and a cardboard dumpster! Our church's theme was "People Aren't Trash" and we had "Faith Evangelical Church - the Redemption Center" on the dumpster with Psalm 40:2 "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set me on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." We did win "Best Organization Float" but more importantly, our church let people know that it doesn't matter what condition you come in, God will take care of the rest!!

Aidan's all ready for his float.

Our church float with all of us on it.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Sumner Days - Part One
Every year, our town has a Little Miss/Little Mister contest for 5-7 year olds. Austin was never interested in doing it, which was fine, but Aidan was approached by a lady at church (who owns a massage place in town) who wanted to sponser him. We discussed it and he decided he would love to be in the parade, so he wanted to run. On Friday night, there were four boys and ten girls who ran. They each are individually interviewed and then they decide a winner. While Aidan didn't win, he had a fantastic time and loved every second of it! And, he gets to ride on the huge boat in the parade Saturday!!
Nathanial pitching a fit afterwards...right outside our front door.
Aidan waiting with the other boys to be interviewed.
{It was 62 degrees outside this evening, which is why everyone else is dressed warmly...Aidan would NOT change what we had bought to wear and decided to freeze instead!}
Aidan during his interview.
He did an awesome job answering questions!
Aidan with Lisa, his sponser.
Nathanial pitching a fit afterwards...right outside our front door.
It was later than bedtime and he was exhausted.

little mister sumner,
sumner days
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fourth of July
For the Fourth, we enjoyed some time with Steve's family. The boys love going and looking at the animals...and getting filthy dirty.
Aidan and Noah
Troy with Ethan...Thano in the background checking out his filth.

I don't actually think they'll notice...it's not too dirty.
Coming back to the house

I don't actually think they'll notice...it's not too dirty.
And I had fun!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Last night, the boys lined up at the front door and watched everthing going on outside. It reminded me so much of the hours they would spend doing exactly that when they were just little bitty guys. I couldn't find a photo of all three of them at the window at once from when they were little - but I remember it so clearly!

When they were not even ten months old:
{Ethan and Nathanial}
{Ethan and Nathanial}

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