Saturday, September 29, 2007
I got home around 11:30 and much to my surprise, Steve waited up for me! It was very nice to come home to a bright house (I usually come home to pitch black when I've been out scrapping that late) and be able to talk. We didn't get to bed until 1:00. Amazing, for a man who loves to be in bed by 9 every night if possible (hasn't been since before we had the triplets), and was planning to "catch up" on sleep that night by going to bed as soon as Austin and Aidan were in bed.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Babies, Babies Everywhere!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another tooth!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Noah's ER Visit
We got home and had Austin's choice of dinner (chicken Parmesan), so at least it wasn't a total loss. We didn't even get to eat until 8 pm, but at least the babies were down, so we didn't have to worry about that. I feel bad that he got put on the back burner on his birthday of all days.
Happy Birthday Austin....we love you!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Birthday Party
Ever since doing so well on his photography at fair, Austin has wanted a digital camera of his own. He has been saving for a laptop for over a year (and will be for a long time) but he said that his money from this party would go to a digital camera. Steve thought it would be really nice if we told his family what he wanted so we could have it there for him and he wouldn't have to wait to order it or anything. (It didn't hurt that Dell had them on sale last week!)
So he opened his presents from my mom and then he got a bunch of empty cards. He handled it really well...I was surprised. You could see the disappointment on his face, but he wasn't letting on too bad. Then we handed him the card and case for the camera. He got a little more excited. Then, finally, he got the digital camera. He was so excited and he loved it. I am just glad that he likes it so much. He took a bunch of really great pictures already, but he deleted a bunch of them before I got a chance to download them. I was disappointed because I thought they were great...he didn't though. I have downloaded the two that he kept on my dropshots page. He takes awesome photos.
I'm glad the day is over was a long weekend. I am still amazed that my "baby" is going to be 12 on Wednesday!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Cattle Congress Paint Bags Working Exhibit
We got all the way to Cattle Congress before I realized that we needed more quart bags. So, I dropped Austin off with my mom. He had 17 baggies with him to get him started and he needed to be there in 10 minutes to set up, so I was hoping that was enough to get him started. Then I flew to the nearest store that I thought would have ziploc bags and found a Dollar General. My sister realized half way to DG that I might have tossed a majority of paint into the van before leaving, which meant it was at home. So, thankfully, there was a Hobby Lobby right there and I whipped in there quickly and picked up $40 worth of Tempura paint. Got back to CC and thankfully, he had enough supplies to get himself started, but we quickly realized we forgot the baby wipes, which are crucial because people need to clean off their hands after they make one (they are working with paint). Thankfully, Shawna was willing to run out to the truck and grab a bag of wipes I had in there for the babies (who wonderfully stayed home with Daddy!). So all was not a total loss, but I still felt like we just threw this one together and he would end up with a "participation" ribbon because of my lack of preparation. The worst part was I totally forgot my camera...and I take that everywhere. I was very disappointed in myself for that one.
We went quickly through Wendy's and inhaled lunch and got back to CC for the awards, only to find that they were running behind. So Austin and I enjoyed a tuba solo, soprano solo, performance by three young ladies, and another solo before they got to the awards. Aidan went with Shawna and her kids and my mom to the petting zoo for all of this.
Finally they had the awards and Austin received an award of Excellence!!! I am so proud of him. The only "good" mark (rather than excellent) on his evaluation form was "needed help with clean up." That was my fault, I thought he had to get torn down quickly, so I helped him clean up. Next time, I know to stay back again. I was so happy our lack of prep didn't show up there!
The best part of the day was when Austin and I were walking over to the petting zoo to get everyone to head back home. Austin reached for my hand and held my hand all the way across the grounds. He let go a couple of times for some reason and picked it back up. I realize this seems odd to most everyone, but this was awesome for him. Due to his Asperger's, he hates to be touched and he has to initiate all contact. This means I rarely get hugs, never get kisses, and he doesn't show much affection at all. But I am resigned to this because I know that it physically hurts him and he just doesn't understand what it means to me. So for him to do this was incredibly special. When he does give me hugs or says "I love you" back to me (which is even more rare), those moments are much more special because of what they mean. I guess in the long run, I would much rather have him only say or do these things rarely and have them mean something very special than have him say them all the time and lose meaning because of it. It was also very nice to get time alone with him, because that so rarely happens anymore.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
[Yes, I am aware they are just babbling and none of it means anything yet anyway, but it doesn't hurt try!]
Bob (aka Mom, aka Trista)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Last night, Ethan woke up around 10:30, which seems to be his new "normal." As I was rocking him, I looked at him and thought of how far we have come. I am in awe of all that has happened in such a relatively short period of time. We are so very blessed and I am forever grateful for all that has been given to us.
I was thinking back to just finding out we were pregnant and how excited I was! I couldn't believe it finally happened. And then to see three tiny heartbeats on that! I will never forget praying in the restroom right before my ultrasound that there be a heartbeat and the "baby" be OK, and oh, yeah, God, as a sideline, please let there be at least two babies and preferably three. I was utterly flabbergasted when I found out there were three babies. Steve has since told me to be a little less specific next time...I'm thinking maybe more specific would be helpful (please let there be another baby, and oh, yeah, only one next time Lord!!). Being told to abort "at least one, and preferably two" makes me think who wouldn't be here? If I had put all my trust in a human, instead of the Almighty, who would I have killed?
Remembering the entire pregnancy and worrying throughout all that maybe something would happen and they wouldn't all be OK. Wondering how early they'd be, how long they'd be in NICU, would they all come home?Then thinking back to the birth and all that happened before and during. Hearing their first thankful I was and how amazed that they were all fine! Bringing them all home, with us, on that cold, cold day in February and being in awe of them when they got home. Watching Austin and Aidan interact and bond with them in the hospital and again, at home.
Those first couple of months went by in a blur. The nighttime feedings and how miserable Noah was. I prayed that something would be figured out and it was.
Now, at only seven months old, it seems like so much has happened in the last year since finding out. Staring down at Ethan, when I laid him down in that big ol' crib by himself, was just amazing. He is still so tiny, and yet, so healthy. They are all so happy and peaceful. They have come such a long way and we were spared all the heartache that could have been, and much of which is a reality for parents of multiples.
I have been told more times than I can count that God doesn't give us more than we can handle and God must have known what he was doing when he gave us triplets. I don't believe at all that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Of course He gives us more, otherwise why would we ever lean on His strength and not our own understanding? But has he chosen us as parents of triplets? I believe so. And I take great comfort in knowing that God believes we can handle all of our children and has blessed us with each and every one of them and I lean on that daily.
We have come such a long way and we have all blended into this wonderful family. Yes, things are difficult some days. No, we are not perfect parents by any means and we make mistakes. Our lives are hectic and busy and full of activity, but would we ever change any of it? No way!
We are so very blessed and so very thankful. And I am reminded once again of " whom much is given, from him much will be required."