This happened
after rice
and macaroni,
at different times this morning while I was doing laundry and dishes (respectively). This time, I was
trying to make supper. To say I'm a touch ticked would be putting it extremely mildly...

The Guilty Parties:

Even a
dyson was not made to withstand triplet boys, I do not think...

And, for those of you who are thinking "She must not baby-proof" is the proof. How they got it open is beyond me and nothing else works...
Trista, your house looks like mine last night. I feel for you sweetie. I couldn't imagine having 5 boys instead of just three to clean up after. God bless you.
All I can say is "Oh my God!" -- You are blessed with 6 children- I am blessed with 9 grandchildren. But, once again, God Bless YOU! - I hope they live until kindergarten!
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