Christmas Eve brought a winter storm (blizzard actually), so Daddy spent the day home with us. We were very blessed this year with not only Christmas Eve, but the entire weekend. It was awesome to have Steve home for four and a half days - very much like an unplanned vacation! I could certainly do with it more often!
On Christmas Eve, we made sugar cookies for Santa. Aidan, Nathanial, Ethan, Noah, and Hannah all helped decorate the cookies. Noah didn't last very long at all - just long enough to load one full of frosting and eat it! Hannah thoroughly enjoyed her cookie that she "made" (with a lot of help) and so did Nathanial and Ethan. Aidan really worked hard at making cookies and not just eating them so that Santa would have some to enjoy, also!

After all our cookies were made, we all showered and got dressed for Christmas Eve service. The service was wonderful and afterwards, we were talking about a certain country song. Everyone was shocked that I had no idea what it was, so as soon as I got in the car, I asked Steve about it and he was amazed I didn't know it either.
In my defense, I grew up with a dad that was very into rock and roll and not so much country, so we never (and I do mean
never) listened to country. As it turns out {surprise, surprise} Steve just happened to have the cd at home. As soon as we all got inside and got coats off, Daddy found the cd and we had a little impromptu dance. It was a lot of fun and we all really enjoyed it! I was actually very thankful for the discussion after service about the song! I also tried to get a picture of all six kids in their Christmas finery, but it didn't turn out the is not easy to get six little people to sit still for a picture! After a while of dancing, everyone got their jammies on and headed to bed.

Christmas morning brought children up
far too early for their mother's taste. Austin and Aidan were up at
4:30 am!! Dad thought that was just fine, I told them I would not get up until at least 6:30 and noone was going downstairs until then. By 5:30, everyone except Hannah was awake, so Daddy gave them all a bath (which is why they are wet) to waste a little more time. I finally got up, but was not real pleased to have been bugged every five minutes from 4:30 on. I probably should have gotten up, let them open presents, and went back to bed, but I knew there was no way I would be going back to bed, so I stalled. Probably makes me a bad mommy, but that's just how it is! When I finally woke up a very testy Hannah (who is used to sleeping until at least 8), we all went down and enjoyed the morning.

I had rolls rising on the counter that Noah just could not leave alone. I was a little perturbed at first that my perfect, pretty rolls were destroyed by a two year old in a very short period of time, but it did not last long. He was enjoying himself so much it was hard to stay upset with him! He then shoved more rolls into the small loaf pan I had made. I did pull some of the rolls off the top and had him "help" me reshape them. He did a great job - and I have to admit his bread was phenomenal!

We had a great Christmas as a family and really cherish the memories we are making with each of them. In some ways, we are just getting started and in others, we are almost done. It seems these years are going by so very fast and I thank God for each of my children. On Christmas especially, I cannot imagine having a child with the precise knowledge that he would one day (just a short 33 years later) be sacrificed for everyone else. Thank you, God, for the amazing gift of salvation you give to each one of us!!
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