Ever since I discovered I was having triplets, I have known that for their first Halloween, they would be three peas in a pod. I have invisioned Aidan's wagon decked out with a green blanket and the three of them in green sweats with little pea pod hats. This is proving to be a little more difficult than I anticipated. Seems simple, but maybe not.
The hats were easy...I don't sew, but my mom does. So I found an adorable little hat to a pumpkin costume and gave it to her and asked if she could do the exact same thing, only all in green. She was able to (haven't gotten to see them yet, but I get to next weekend!).
So, then came the green sweats. I thought this would be simple. I really thought that green was a staple color in the sweatshirt and sweat pants industry. Apparently not. Combat green is very easy to find, but I had in my brain invisioned them in a bright green. Or maybe forest green...but definitely not army green. So now my second option, which might end up being better anyway, is to find green blanket sleepers. We are in Iowa and we can almost gaurentee that we will need snowsuits under those costumes. So now I am on the hunt for green sleepers.
Third, the wagon. We have this awesome Radio Flyer fancy wagon. I seemed to have blocked out of my memory that for the past year and a half Steve has been using it as his wheelbarrow. (Wheelbarrows are expensive, you know, and why buy one when you have a perfectly good wagon that isn't being used??) So I pulled it out and it was filthy. So I spent a good two hours cleaning out up on Monday afternoon. I got it near-perfect by the way. I was very happy with myself. I first washed it off with the hose, then used soap and a washcloth, then a scrubber, finally SOS pads, and then washed it all down again and did a final bleach rinse to be sure. Does Steve notice all the work I've put into this little "project" I didn't intend to have?? Of course not. He thought it wasn't "that bad" to begin with. I wish I had taken before and after photos! So at least that hurdle was no longer in our way.
Today I did the final test. I put all the babies into the wagon and we went for a walk down to church and back. They LOVED it. However, they really are not meant for babies, so I had Aidan sit in the front of them and stacked them Noah, Ethan, Nathanial, Aidan. Nathanial decided that every time we stopped was the perfect oppurtunity to stand up, so I had to watch him carefully. Going down to church wasn't so bad. I was able to turn and check on them every couple of seconds and they were happy as a lark in there with no seatbelts or anything. Coming home was quite another matter...for me. We live on the tiniest of inclines...and I do mean tiny. But when you are hoofing it while pulling approximately 90 pounds...WOW! Do you get a workout! So we may have to do a few more runs just so my arms get a little more toned before trick or treating. But they did love it! So much, in fact, that Ethan fell asleep on Noah on the way home and the other two were looking mighty close to it, also. 
So, now, if I can just find some green sleepers....
1 comment:
Hi Trista!! I will be in Target and Penneys tomorrow, so I will look for the sleepers. I want your vision to be a reality!
Love, Shawna
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