Aidan in his "get up" (pajama bottoms pushed up, shirt pulled over his head and wrapped around his shoulders) with his shoe airplane:

Ethan enjoying picking grass and putting it on his lap:

Noah and Ethan picking grass together and sharing piles:

Nathanial is tuckered out and cuddling with Mommy:

Noah is adoring Daddy pulling weeds:

Ethan on Aidan's bike:

Ethan and Nathanial wrestling over a box (this is not as sweet as it looks):

Noah riding the motorcycle:

Some day Aidan is going to kick your butt for putting this picture on the blog.....but it is hysterical!!!
The triplets stick around really well, huh? My 20-month old gets on the grass and hoofs it for the back 40. I know I need to exercise, but COME ON!
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