Monday, July 7, 2008

We're Back!!!

We went to Shawna's last week and had a lot of fun....and a little fighting (the kids, not us). We spent a lot of time hanging out and went to the river museum and the pool in Dubuque.

The museum had an exibit on all things venomous, so Austin loved that. I got a ton of great pictures that I will add to the dropshots page (

We got home and unpacked everyone, then re-packed Austin for camp. He left Sunday afternoon and we go back to get him Friday afternoon. I hope he's having fun!

Our drive home was an interesting one, but I will leave that for a whole other post.

Our week has been pretty relaxing, with just me and the "little boys". If I can stop napping, maybe I can start keeping up with the blog again. I am just absolutely exhausted lately! I go back in tomorrow for a check and the glucose test...yuck.

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