Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Doctor Visits

Miss Hannah had her two week/four week appointment today. Dr. B was out of the office for her two week check, so we made it four.

She is up to 7 lbs, 14 oz and she was 21 inches long. She's growing! She is still so tiny. I am in awe of how tiny she is and how big the triplets look now. And they're still babies themselves!

Her watery/gunky eye is a clogged tear duct. To me, it already looks like it is clearing up and was near perfect when I asked about it (he probably thought I was insane). Her occasional projectile-vomiting is more than likely due to her eating too fast...which is what I thought. I do not think my body has correctly adjusted to nursing just one baby this time and it still thinks it's producing for three. I am still constantly springing leaks and it seems to be very forceful at let down. When Hannah decides to wait four hours to nurse, instead of her usual three, that's when she tends to spew across the room. OK, not quite that far, but it does make a nice "splat" on the floor behind us when she does it. She doesn't appear uncomfortable, though, as long as she is held upright for about 1/2 hour afterwards. It isn't near to the level Noah was...thankfully!

We are considered a "high risk" family for the flu and since Hannah is less than six months old, everyone else gets to get the flu shot. Yippee! Not. Austin will be getting the mist...no matter what. It will actually be the first time we've done it in a l-o-n-g time.

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