Today I was scanning some pictures for my post about Austin's birthday (on Austin's blog) and I found his newborn picture. When I opened the frame, I found my newborn picture behind his. I have always thought that our kids look so much like Steve, but when I looked at my newborn picture I was shocked by how similar Ethan looks to me. And not necessarily when Ethan was a newborn, but more Ethan now. So, since I am in the spirit of pictures, I thought I would post all our pictures on here and now pictures of the kids. Oh, and the triplets never got their pictures taken in the hospital (I still don't know why??), so their pictures are ones I made Steve take so I could see them while they were in NICU and I was hooked up to mag. Ethan's is one I did take, though (he never went). I do not have Steve's newborn picture, but I do have his baptism picture, and he is, according to the side date on the photo, approximately four months old, I think. To think, it all started with us!

Steve (black and white)
Trista (color - hospital)
Hi. I came across your blog and I think it is adorable. I only have one little, wonderful two-year old girl and am a stay-at-home mommy. I love your background for your it custom?? My Iam trying to switch things up with my layout. If you have time to respond to me I would appreciate it. Thanks
Thanks for stopping by! I loved your blog, also. It isn't custom, it's from LeeLou blogs. I have another of her designs on the blog for our oldest son ( On either of my blogs, there is a little button on the sidebar that links to her site. I highly recommend it! It's hard to choose just one, she has a ton of great ones! And they were a cinch to use!
Thanks again for stopping by...I hope you do again!
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