Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Halloween is finally here!
Right after school, we picked up Austin and headed over to the hospital to go trick or treating there. Each department and the nurses station had someone handing out candy, and one was handing out toothpaste...that was brilliant! Nathanial, Ethan, and Noah were getting a little ornery, but overall doing well.
Austin wanted to go to the nursing home as soon as we finished at the hospital because he wanted to see the lady he read to last year. So, we went there next and boy did they have fun there. All the residents were thrilled to see all the kids coming through. Everyone was commenting on the babies and I felt bad for Aidan because he was kind of left out of things. But, thankfully he didn't mind too much because he was getting candy. Austin finally got to see Grandma Mae and talk to her a few minutes. He asks to go see her a lot and thankfully he does see her at church, but I have to just set aside time for him to go see her some afternoon. He really misses his visits with her.
We went home then and fed the babies, then headed out again. Nathanial, Ethan, and Noah didn't last real long at all this time, so we only went a few blocks. We went home then to get them to bed and Austin took Aidan to a few houses right on our block. Aidan loved that Austin took him and Austin loved going along with him alone. I got the babies to bed and Austin resumed passing out candy while Aidan and I went a few more blocks. He was so funny as he was walking. He would go to people's houses who he knew and would say to me "I didn't know she had a BROTHER!!!" (And it was her son!) Then we went to another one and he said "I dind't know she had a DAD!!!" (It was her husband!!) Thankfully, he waited until we were away from the house to say it to me! By the time we got home from our alone time, Daddy had just gotten home, so Aidan got to "scare" him. He was thrilled and I do believe this is the first year Steve has gotten home early enough to see Aidan in his costume and awake. That was very nice!
Austin loved passing out candy...he thought that was a lot of fun. We got way more kids than we normally do, but this year more houses on our block had people home to actually give out candy, too. It was nice to see a steady stream of kids. I hope it goes this well again next year!
Monday, October 29, 2007
I've Been Blessed...

"It's about reading someone's story that grabs hold of your heart, and after you've moved on .... you remember, and are reminded that you've been blessed. It's about faith, and love and hope for ourselves, our future, our families and those we love. It's about empowering women and standing strong together. It's about the fight we have in us to survive relationships, abuse, cancer and loss of loved ones. It's about overcoming struggles that make us stronger and who we are today. Simply, it's about love. Loving one another."
A few weeks ago, my friend Helena (Thrice Blessed Momma) honored me with my very first blogger award. Gina (Everyday is a Precious Gift) also gave me the award. I am so touched that they thought of me for this award. Helena and Gina have been dear friends for a long time. Helena has been a huge support and inspiration to me as I raise my boys. She is a single mom of triplets, with special needs. She understands the struggles I go through and she is so strong. Gina has also been a single mom, so she understands that struggle as well. They both have been wonderful to know and I feel incredibly blessed that I am able to call them "friend."
The person that keeps coming to mind is Pattie (Seeking Karma) to pass this on to. She has been incredible to get to know over the past year. She had her twin boys one day after I had my triplets and also has five kids. She gets through this crazy busy time with a lot of humor and she is a true joy to know.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Big Boy Haircuts!
Ethan Before:
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Three Peas in a Pod

Monday, October 22, 2007
He's approved!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Twice in two days!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Austin and His Brothers
This flows over to his relationship with his brothers. He doesn't really like them most of the time and feels they (all of them) are an invasion in his life that he didn't invite and he didn't want. He can be very resentful to me about it and gets very angry with me at times. Most of the time, he just ignores them. Aidan he will occasionally play with and sometimes they play very well together. Most of the time, they agitate the bejeebers out of each other, though. Aidan knows EXACTLY what buttons to push with Austin and he does so frequently. When they are on the computer together, though, they usually get along swimmingly.
Today, something happened that brought a tear to my eye. I was making dinner when I heard giggling from the babies and Austin making really silly noises. I, very quietly, went out to the dining room where I observed Austin genuinely playing with his brothers and loving it. It was so sweet and so special to see. I love it when I "catch" him being good and truly enjoying himself when I haven't prodded him at all to do it (last I knew he was in his room reading). Here's the video:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Aidan and His Bee Costume

Monday, October 15, 2007
Austin's Musical Solo Performance
{To turn off the background music to hear the video, scroll to the bottom of the blog and push pause in the streaming music.}
Austin had his performance tonight and it was awesome! He did a great job. He did not prepare me at all for a little part of it. The quality is awful...I had Steve in charge of our digital video camera, but he didn't push the record button and we discovered it too late, so this is a video of the video I took with our "regular" camcorder. But the sound is good, so at least you can hear what he sounded like. I have pictures on the dropshots page (Our Family Photos link to the right).
He did great and it was a lot of fun!!
This year, he was once again referred to People to People, this time it was to Australia and longer. We are declining again, we just don't think he's ready. Both oppurtunities have come to us with his former last name. I thought it was just a People to People thing.
Then Saturday, we recieved an invitation for him to submit his biography to Who's Who Registry of Acedemic Excellence - Middle School Edition. I was a little shocked, but also intrigued because, once again, it came under the old last name.
I don't really want him to miss out on these oppurtunites because of a clerical error (for one thing, Who's Who offers scholarships), so Icalled Who's Who to ask them how to change it. They changed it in their system, but then told me I needed to call the registry and change it, so all companies had his correct name. Apparently, his name is already, in sixth grade, on a registry of America's top students, based on his test scores and GPAs. It's a little overwhelming to think that someone somewhere is watching my son's test scores and grades and he is being offered phenominal things because of it. It's also a lot of pressure to put on him at this age. He knows about the People to People offers (he's seen the letters), but he doesn't know about the Who's Who thing yet. I really don't want him to pressure himself even more than he already does.
What's fascinating to me is that we already expect so much out of kids. They have to know so much to even get into preschool these's rather sad. By middle school, Austin has been concerned about college for over two years. Two years! At age 12! It's outlandish. Yes, there is nothing wrong with wanting your child to do their best and really apply themselves. But they also shouldn't have to worry about being on some list and falling off that list if they fail to test well at some point. I almost wish these companies would back off until at least high school...if not even just your senior year.
I am very proud of Austin for doing so well, I don't want to say that I am not with all this. I just wish kids had more time to be kids.
Yes, I am going to apply for him to be in the Who's Who publication. Steve was in it in high school and I think it is an honor. He's always said it was "no big deal." I happen to think it is and I think it's fantastic that they profile those kids that do work their hiney off.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Getting into trouble...
I still am in awe of how much he loves to perform and sing in front of others. He certainly doesn't get that from me! I remember how great he was in Through the Looking Glass and how much he loved it. That was a LOT more intense than this, but he didn't have a solo in that one. Who knows...maybe this is his calling?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wagon rides!
The hats were easy...I don't sew, but my mom does. So I found an adorable little hat to a pumpkin costume and gave it to her and asked if she could do the exact same thing, only all in green. She was able to (haven't gotten to see them yet, but I get to next weekend!).
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
The Other Side
I came back home two hours later, when what to my wondering eye does appear, but Steve's "solution" to keeping the boys in the living room. See, they had not yet discovered that they could get out on either side of the couch until last week. When they found out there was freedom to be had on the Other Side, they went after it. All week, I have discovered babies following me...everywhere. So, yes, that means, fantastic, I now have FOUR visitors when I need to, ahem, you know. One was bad enough, but I knew this was coming.
Back to yet another one of Steve's genius ideas to his version of "baby proofing." He has their toy basket blocking entry to The Other Side between the bookcase and the couch. Between the couch and the fireplace, he has placed an excersaucer. Seems brilliant, right?? Wrong. THIS is what happens when you block it with an excersaucer....
You are seeing correctly....that is Nathanial stuck in the excersaucer. He seems happy here, but trust me, not so much three seconds before.
So if you're wondering....excersaucers do not make great baby gates. Trust me....we've tried.
Friday, October 5, 2007
May he rest in peace...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Maybe not Sesame Street Blocks
Tis The Season...
I do not like the smell of the "ladybugs" either. Whoever tells you bugs don't smell has never had these. So far this year we are not doing too bad. There are "only" about 10 in our room every night, so that's pretty good. The boxelders seem bad this year, but I think I just block it out every year just how thick they get.
I do not like bugs and critters....especially in my house!!!